
Messaging - Traditional Bulk SMS Price List

Price List for Cyprus Bulk SMS

Credits from Credits to Price / Credit Example (19% VAT)
1,000 4,999 €0.012 2,000 credits = €24.00 + VAT = €28.56
5,000 9,999 €0.0115 9,000 credits = €103.50 + VAT = €123.17
10,000 19,999 €0.011 15,000 credits = €165.00 + VAT = €196.35
20,000 49,999 €0.010 30,000 credits = €300.00 + VAT = €357.00
50,000 €0.009 55,000 credits = €495.00 + VAT = €589.05

1) 1 credit = 1 single SMS (160 characters)
2) You can choose the number of Credits you wish to buy
3) The Price / Credit excludes any applicable taxes
4) Prepayment required

Pricing Model of the RichReach Messaging service (under development)

The RR Messaging service will offer many more features than the Traditional Bulk SMS service. Therefore, a different pricing model will be adopted:
  ✔  Every message delivery method (SMS, Push Notification, email etc) and feature (Opt Out etc) will have its own prices
  ✔  The SMS rate will depend on the destination/mobile number. It will cost differently when sending an SMS to a Cypriot, a Greek and a British mobile phone. Similarly to a telephone call rate depending on the destination.
  ✔  Clients will be able to Top Up their Messaging Wallet and the cost of a message will be deducted from the balance