RR Transfers

RichReach Transfers

With RichReach Transfers you can share your Top Ups between RR services and with other RR Clients

Transfers within your RichReach Accounts

✔  Your balance of a RR service has run out? Use the balance of another RR service by making a "Wallet Transfer" (balance realocation)
✔  No Top Up is "wasted"

Transfers between RichReach Clients

✔  Share Top Ups with other RR clients
✔  Used by friends and family
✔  Transfer and receive amounts
✔  Help a friend in need to use a RichReach service. He/she can transfer the amount back to you at a later time.

 1) Transfers can only be made from Financial Wallets with a positive balance
 2) A transfer cannot result in a negative balance